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Showing posts from September, 2014

FREEDOM - it cannot be bought, but it can be sold.

The accumulation of wealth is not a virtuous or even meaningful pursuit.  Sorry, it just isn't. Regardless of your faith, all of the mainstream religions are founded on the fundamental principles of love and service to others, not making a buck at other's expense for the sake of a new car, a bigger house, yet another pair of shoes (guilty), every imaginable new toy or gadget, whe ther for ourselves or our children, or any of the other material objects we devote so much of our incomes to obtaining. Every time you or I pass on making a contribution to a worthy cause - and there are so many worthy causes - so we can buy yet another adornment for ourselves or our lives, we are failing to be virtuous; we are failing our fellow humans; we are failing ourselves; and if a person of faith, we are, in addition to all of those things, also failing God. Which is not to say that you are not free to devote your life to the pursuit of wealth for wealth's sake. Hey, it's a free c...